Sign-up your team today for the 10th Annual Christian R. Holmberg Memorial Golf Tournament! Individuals can also sign up to be placed on a team. Teams do not need to be a complete foursome at the time of registration, and free spots can either be reserved or left open for anyone to join. The cost is $500 per team or $125 per individual. If a captain signed you up for a team and you would like to pay now via Paypal or check, you can do so below.
The 2018 Tournament is SOLD OUT!
Online payments including Paypal have been closed. Please pay on the morning of the Tournament. We will accept all major credit cards, or if you choose to pay by check, please make it payable to The Boomerang Foundation.
If you would like to be put on a waiting list in case a spot opens up, please email Tim Holmberg at
Sign up your team.
Sign up as a single.
Pay for your spot.
Edit your team.
John Holmberg
James Pagenkopf
Le Miz
Jimmy Cirrito
Butch Rolle
Scott Norwood
Tegee Rogers
Gary Hughes
Rick Grimley
Chip Ward
Jim Young
Bobby "Squeezer" Wiggins
Carl " Greek" Onachila
Gene "Gino" Sullivan
Drew Spiker
Bart Martin
Brenda McKinley
Anthony J
Bryant Smith
Gary Roth
Ray Roth
John Reddington
Tom Holmberg
Chris Stocking
Scott "Van" Brown
Martin McConagha
Mike Baker
Sandy Aldinger
John Aldinger
Al Schenkel
Maril Schenkel
Bill Wright
Tom Delaney
Nancy Powers
Joe McAndrew
Bernie Spencer
Stacy Ewart
Cindi Burger
Libby Alkire
Bob Leipzig
Scott Gorsuch
George Goff
Kirk Janse
Jerrry “cheese” Kuehn
Matt “Mr Robotics” Vanasse
Justin “DJ’s friend” Sanford
Mike “I can’t play golf” Kuehn
Michael Uhart
Steve Smith
Mark Gilder
Ron Roos
Brian McCaa
Gregg McCaa
-- Spot Open --
-- Spot Open --
Adam Ward
Bill Ward Sr
Tim Holmberg
Dave Donovan
Gianni Giordano
Derek Adams
Tim Fenton
Doug March
Kevin Goodale
Lisa Goodale
Gary-Michael Goodale
Kathryn Ciliberti
Doug Cushman
Joey Cushman
Billy Cushman
John Liberty
Michael Holmberg
Jim Rhodes
Bill Flickinger
Charlie Glenn
John Bisell
Butch McGonegal
John Hitchcock
Sean Kelliher
Jerry Kelliher
Joe Wilson
Indy Pommers
Scott Bush
Rick Gerber
Boe Young
Jim Houchens
Tim Fay
Charlie Macatee
Nico Botha
Goons: Rod Miller
Craig Burlingame
Robert Singer
Tim Prime
Mike Burger
Al Spencer
Richard Burger
-- Spot Reserved --